Hey :) My name is Oscar Gonzalez & I have been working in the social media/video production industry for the past 6 years!

I studied Film & Electronic Arts at California State University, Long Beach, with a field focus in Production Management, Editing, and Critical Thinking. After my professional studies, I knew that I wanted to work in the social media industry and began my career as a video producer for Foodbeast, Inc.

Throughout my career, I worked my way up to a Creative Director position, and mastered every aspect of production including: video editing, cinematography, team management, publishing, engagement analysis, social media trends, client relationships and so much more!

Besides my career work, I have also produced many passion projects including: livestreaming on Twitch, an episodic web series, music videos, gaming highlights and more.

With my many years of expertise, I’m excited to work with you to help assist with your social media goals!

¡Disponible en español!

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